Integrating Business Sustainability into Supply Chain Management

Document Type : Original Article


PhD, CPA, CMA, CIA, CFE, CGFM, CSOXp, CGRCP, CGOVP, CGMA, CRMA Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence & Professor of Accountancy, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN


Companies today face the challenge of adopting proper supply chain sustainability (SCS) strategies and practices to respond effectively to emerging global sustainability initiatives. Business sustainability has become a strategic imperative, with a focus on both financial and non-financial sustainability performance, which creates shared value for all stakeholders. This paper examines the integration of business sustainability into SCS by presenting a model consisting of sustainability theories, sustainability continuous improvement, and sustainability best practices. Companies can use the suggested model to integrate both financial and non-financial sustainability performance information into business models, corporate culture, and supply chain management. This paper also presents several best practices of supply chain sustainability performance by investigating the SCS of a sample of high-profile companies worldwide across many industries. The suggested model and best practices of SCS in this study have implications for policymakers, regulators, standard-setters, management, researchers, and educators. Propositions are posited for the suggested model in promoting business sustainability and SCS strategies.


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