The Effect of Personality Characteristics of Capital Market Analysts on Investment Trends, Risk and Return of their Performance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Accounting, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Psychology.Isfahan Branch,paramour university, Isfahan, Iran


The relationship between finance and other social sciences as known behavioural finance, evaluate investors to the decision-making process and their reaction to different conditions of financial markets deals. In this study assumed that analysts are specialist in fundamental and technical analysis and then influence their personality characteristics is evaluated on their performance. Statistical population and the sample of this study consist of capital market analysts. Required data is collected by a combined questionnaire. The research hypotheses are tested using Pearson’s correlation tests. The results show that there is a significant correlation between extraversion features, Agreeableness, Consciousness and personal control to the degree of risk aversion, but no significant relationship was observed between personality characteristics and returns portfolios analysts. In addition, no significant relationship was observed between the type of fundamental analysis and technical analysts and degree of risk aversion. In addition, findings show that the degree of risk aversion has inverse relationship whit capital market analyst’s tendency investment. Also, analyst’s whit characteristics of extroversion, agreeableness and Consciousness are more likely to invest in short-term and long-term investments.


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