Evaluation of Corporate Governance Practices in Emerging Markets (A case study of Nigerian Banking Industry)

Document Type : Original Article


1 The University of Salford

2 The University of Sistan and Baluchestan


This study explores corporate governance practices within the context of the Nigerian banking industry using instances of corporate governance lapses that resulted in part to the Nigerian banking crises. We present multiple case analysis of publicly available documents and court papers (in the United Kingdom and Nigeria) to document instances of breach and areas of weakness in the existing Nigerian code of corporate governance. We supported these with data obtained from multiple sources (using semi-structured interviews, observation and further documentary analysis) to explain and yield insight to the motivation behind these corporate governance practices. The research’s  theoretical framework adopts theoretical triangulation and is designed to extend the present application of institutional theories and legitimacy theories to include roles of external and internal institutions, power blocks, and the role of legitimacy seeking acts in influencing corporate governance practices. From the case analysis, we suggest multiple actors and influences exist to shape the corporate governance practices within most commercial banks. These lapses make it possible for dominant actors within the organisation to exhibit symbolic compliance while taking advantage of these lapses to shareholders detriment.


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